Agatha Episode 5 Review – Things Get A Little Darker

Here is my Agatha All Along Episode 5 review and this is the one where things get a little darker in the story.

Here is my Agatha All Along Episode 5 review and this is the one where things get a little darker in the story. Regular readers will know this is usually a good sign for my tastes, and that’s true here also. In fact, I’d say this was my favorite episode to date for a few different reasons. Episode 5 is also the one where I think it works least on its own and requires some previous knowledge of both this series and WandaVision.

As always with this review series I’m staying SPOILER FREE. Therefore, no worries if you haven’t had time to catch this week’s episode yet.

Episode 5

The format remains as we have come to expect the last few episodes. There’s a trial/test and this trial is focused on one of the Coven. I guess things take a darker turn this week because Agatha herself is the one under the spotlight.

What works in Episode 5 for me is the show, not tell approach There is very little in the way of revealing dialogue, or exposition. Yet, it’s this week we seem to have so many explanations. By the end of Episode 5 you will have a deeper understanding of why Agatha is the way she is. The bond she has with Rio, or at least what they once had also seems more understandable. Agatha’s actions leading up to the events of WandaVision are now somewhat more relatable. Teen’s origin and the fate of Agatha’s son now seems a bit more defined, yet remains unresolved.

This was also it seems, the shortest episode and probably had the least exposition of any episode thus far. Instead of being told the information above, we come to realize ourselves by what is shown on screen. I will always appreciate that in a series and shout it out.

RELATED: Agatha Episode 4 Review – Least Favourite But Still Fun

There’s a bit less of a fun factor this week. In fact, at times we are perhaps pushing that PG-13 rating. The peril just seems that bit more acute. Some enemies go from being an unrealized potential threat to a creepy active presence. As such this is a much faster paced episode that previous weeks, and has less laughs.

The episode ends on something of a cliff-hanger that will be sure to get fans discussing theories online. I won’t get into any of that here. I have my own thoughts on how this may play out in the end. However, I’ll keep those to myself. To be honest, there are still many paths for how this series could end. I’m just waiting to see how the writers decided to conclude events in the coming weeks. There remains 4 episodes until the series is concluded. Therefore, a lot could change between now and then. There are still ways to both stick and not stick the landing.

As for Episode 5, yeah, I think it was my favorite one yet. It adds some lore, some mystery, answers some questions we had and ones we didn’t. From this point out it’s about sticking that landing in a satisfying way. Let’s see. Still, story gets a little darker, my grade goes up a little as a result.


What did you think of my Agatha All Along Episode 5 review? Leave your own review for Agatha Episode 5 below if you can.

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