Agents Of SHIELD Couldn’t Use SWORD Acronym

Mark Kolpack, visual effects supervisor and occasional director says Agents of SHIELD couldn’t use SWORD acronym on the show. This is the latest in a series of reveals about Agents of SHIELD which tell us Marvel Studios never really treated it as part of the MCU. To begin with Agents of SHIELD had a lot of crossover with the MCU movies. Though, as the seasons went on, the events of the show and the movies diverged quite dramatically. I think in the end, most fans now accept that at some point Agents of SHIELD moved into a different timeline or reality from the main MCU.

If you were a fan of AOS you probably felt like the team were starting to feel more like SWORD after a point. You’d be right on that front, but alas, the SWORD acronym was not allowed to be used on the show. I guess as Kolpack says below, Marvel had other plans for SWORD. This plans are now starting to come to fruition after the latest episode of WandaVision explained the origin of SWORD in the MCU.

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Agents of SHIELD couldn't use SWORD

I enjoyed Agents of SHIELD for what it was. AOS was an old fashioned action show where the cast are never in any real danger. Sure, the cast actually did die numerous times on AOS, but there was always some way to bring them back in the end. I am fine with this kind of TV as pure escapism and the Marvel connection helped elevate it above some contemporary examples. However, I never truly felt like I was watching an MCU TV show, not like I do with WandaVision.

Agents of SHIELD had it’s place, and it still feels like a fun little off-shoot Universe. Arguably the show improved the less it had to dance around what was happening in the MCU. At the end of the day, I am happy Agents of SHIELD couldn’t use SWORD. If they had, we would never have got such a cool latest episode of WandaVision.

What do you think of Kolpack’s comments about SWORD? As always leave your thoughts below if possible.

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