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American Horror Story: Apoclaypse Releases Eerie Teaser

American Horror Story keeps on churning along with its creepy-ass, disturbing-ass stories, and this coming fall’s American Horror Story: Apocalypse seems to be no exception. This year will see the release of the eighth entry in the anthology series, and with it, there will likely be no shortage of toe-curling awfulness. But just in case you were thinking to yourself, “Nah, this will be the season where they lay it on lightly” — though I’m not sure why you’d think that — they released a teaser that will do away with that feeling.

The new teaser is a myriad of odd images. It starts off with a fetus whose umbilical cord stretches down to a beating heart in an hourglass, which then transforms into the innards of a nuclear bomb, which explodes. We zoom into a couple bodies lying in a heart-shaped hole, and the imagery just gets more and more insane from there. When all said and done, it’s a full minute of “WTF,” and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As we’d expect at this stage, this teaser didn’t have any footage from the upcoming season, but I think it did a solid job of setting the foundation for some crazy ridiculous goings-on.

We have few details for the upcoming season, but as the subtitle would suggest, it starts off during the end of the world that supposedly tackles a different side of the apocalypse. Returning to the show are regulars Evan Peters, Kathy Bates, Billie Lourd, Billy Eichner, Cheyenne Jackson, Adina Porter, and Leslie Grossman.

What do you think of this new teaser? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: American Horror Story

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