Another big blockbuster has just hit its Blu-ray release, and with that, the folks over at Screen Junkies have released another hilarious edition of Honest Trailers. This week’s target: the entertaining, yet shockingly-irrelevant Ant-Man and the Wasp. Of course, this was the sequel to the 2015 sleeper hit Ant-Man, which focused on the delightful and charming Scott Lang — but would this film successfully follow the MCU’s most morbid outing yet, Avengers: Infinity War?
Sadly, its box office numbers weren’t the greatest — it took in $622 million worldwide — definitely a financial success, but it’s currently ranked number 15 in the MCU in terms of its box office numbers. Behind it are films like Ant-Man, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America: The First Avengers, and The Incredible Hulk. Don’t get us wrong. It still made money, but when compared to its contemporaries, it’s falling short, indeed.
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And why is that? In the Honest Trailer, they point out a bit of the obvious. On the heels of Avengers: Infinity War, this movie doesn’t really propel forward the main plot of the world at large, and at this point in the franchise, that’s what fans wanted. That being said, they’re clear to point that if this film had been released 10 years ago, it would have blown our minds.
Of course, I wouldn’t be a good Mexican if I didn’t highlight the fact that Luis continues to be the most damn Mexican character of all time…for better and worse, depending on your perspective.
What did you think of this new episode of Honest Trailers? Do you agree with their comments about the film? Let us know down below!
And if you haven’t had enough Marvel shenanigans, check out our own Nick Doll’s MCU rankings, where he ranks all 20 films in the universe so far!
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SOURCE: Screen Junkies