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Anthem: Legion of Dawn Trailer Gives First Cinematic For EA’s New Video Game

Anthem is being released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on February 22nd. The game is a third-person shooter featuring different classes of mech suits that can be upgraded and leveled up as you progress through the game. If anything Anthem has been most likened to Destiny in terms of how the game looks and plays from what we have seen, but with perhaps a slightly more RPG element and the switch from first-person to third-person.

The above trailer is for a special edition of the game called Legion of Dawn you can purchase instead of the standard version of the game. Legion of Dawn awards purchasers with more cosmetic items and skins etc. This is the first truly cinematic trailer I have seen and I did wonder if the game would feature any kind of story cinematics or not, that remains to be seen as this trailer may be for marketing alone.

ALSO SEE: Avengers: Update On Video Game Project

I am interested to see how Anthem develops, but at the same time I’ve been here with Destiny before and in this writers opinion it’s better to wait a little while and see what the early adopters are saying before I splurge the cash on another huge time sink of an open world always online game.

There has been a closed Alpha play session organized for fans already and whilst those who played were not allowed to express their opinions publicly, I have spoken to a few of those players, who have verbally given me their thoughts. The crux of the matter was that it was still far too early to tell and that not enough of the game world was playable, with only specific timed session to try the game and feedback to the developers. So whilst they were still interested to see what the game can deliver, they felt like there is still a lot of content they’d need to sample before making a decision on the game.

Are you excited for Anthem, will you wait for reviews before committing to buying it? Sound off in the usual place below.

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