
Are Sony Deleting All Spider-Man 3 Multiverse Rumors?

We have recently seen a surge in in Spider-Man 3 Multiverse rumors. First there was the usual rumors from secret sources that various Spider-Men would show up. Then we had essentially confirmation  Jamie Foxx was returning as Electro, now rumors of Alfred Molina as Dock Ock are kicking around. However most recently has seen some bizarre promotional videos showing up seemingly confirming all the Multiverse rumors. What’s more interesting is that these videos are being taken down. To add another layer, we now have evidence that these are being taken down by Sony themselves.

If this is genuine, I have to agree with The Cosmic Wonder. For Sony to remove these videos, is about the same as just admitting they are true. When we add this to various other pieces of information, including Sony’s own words that this was ‘unconfirmed’, it’s hard to think anything else? Is the Spider-Man 3 Multiverse the worst kept secret on Hollywood right now? All we can say for any certainty is that a lot of supposed Spider-Man 3 Multiverse rumors are being taken down. Make of that what you will?

RELATED: Zendaya Can Neither Confirm Or Deny Multiple Spider-Men In Spider-Man 3

At this point I’d be helluva surprised to find out these Multiverse rumors were all wrong. It seems unlikely for there to be so much smoke and no fire. Therefore, I will again express some of my concerns with this approach. I have to say this all feels very Sony , and not very Marvel. Yet, we have to remember that Marvel Studios is indeed in creative control on this movie. So far I have no reason not to trust Kevin Feige. I am therefore going to dampen down my concerns and have faith in Feige. Until there is a reason not to.

What do you think of these Spider-Man 3 Multiverse rumors? Thoughts below as always

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