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Arrowverse: Why Kevin Smith Hasn’t Directed An Arrow Episode, And Why He Likely Never Will

Filmmaker and podcast Kevin Smith has had a bit of a resurgence in his directing career in recent years, with him actually heading behind the camera of superhero shows like The Flash and Supergirl. It’s a relationship that seems to have borne fruit for both him and The CW, and it’s a relationship that seems destined to continue until each of these shows end.

But what about the other main show in the main trifecta? I’m talking about Arrow — the one that started it all. Smith has never directed an episode of that. Can we expect him to ever do so? Smith sat down with Syfy Wire, and from the sound of it, it’s not in the cards:

“There’s folks over at Arrow that don’t like me…I’ve always been told, ‘Kevin, you wouldn’t like Arrow, anyway.’ They say there’s no room for levity…The humor is the one arrow in my quiver, but from what I understand, that’s the one arrow that would be least welcome on that show.”

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But that hasn’t stopped Smith from at least asking. Comic book fans may remember that Smith created a villain for the character called Onomatopoeia, and he leveraged that to ask the showrunner if she would want him to come on and co-write and direct an episode for them.

Sadly, it was not meant to be, as the person in charge told him all the slots had been booked.

“And this is before the slot-booking had begun,” Smith told the outlet, laughing.

But Smith isn’t giving up. He seems adamant to at least incorporating his character in an upcoming Flash or Supergirl episode. We’ll have to wait and see if that’ll happen in the season to come.

Would you like to see Onomatopoeia show up in either The Flash or Supergirl? Let us know down below!

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SOURCE: Syfy Wire

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