Lord of the Rings and Avatar may be careening toward a restarting production.
It’s been a hell of a past few months for the world. The COVID-19 pandemic came out of nowhere to completely obliterate everything in its path. While the world does seem to be on the mend, we still don’t know what the future holds. Just how long will it take for things to get back to normal, and is normal even a possibility after this? We won’t have the answers to these questions for a long time, but it does sound like some of the film industry is slowly making its way back to normalcy.
According to Deadline, New Zealand is starting to ramp things up again. They have health and safety protocols that are endorsed by the national government. With those in place, we expect relevant productions to pick up soon. On the slate of big projects set to commence in the coming months are The Lord of the Rings series and the Avatar sequels.
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In the case of Avatar, they were in the process of shooting live-action elements when things went downhill. However, unlike a lot of other productions, it sounds like they were able to pivot to virtual production in California, which is comforting. That being said any setback would be a pain for a project as experimental as these Avatar movies.
I can also imagine the headache this caused Amazon’s Lord of the Rings project. Not only did the pandemic force them to send hundreds of cast and crew home, but this project has a hefty price tag. Rights alone cost Amazon $250 million. when all said and done, Amazon could spend a billion dollars to get the show made. These setbacks are sure to make it that much more difficult for Amazon to turn a profit — but we’ll see how that all shakes out.
Are you happy to see Avatar and Lord of the Rings starting up soon? Or are you worried starting productions back up too soon will make things worse? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Deadline