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Is Jamie lee Curtis In The Mandalorian Season 2 Or Avatar 2?

The Mandalorian Season 2

Could Jamie Lee Curtis be a surprise addition to The Mandalorian Season 2? We have been hearing a lot of casting news lately for the second season of The Mandalorian. Confirmation of Rosario Dawson joining El Mando as well as the return of Bill Burr have come out in the last week or so. This story, however, is more of a rumor than confirmed casting news.

MSW has released a report where they speculate on which sci-fi franchise Jamie Lee Curtis is about to show up in. Sources for the outlet have reported seeing Curtis around the set quite a bit. But what set? The problem is that The Mandalorian Season 2 and Avatar 2 are sharing the same studio space. The outlet being Star Wars focussed believes that Curtis could be a surprise cast addition to Season 2 of El Mando. I have to say, I find that a little more likely than the Avatar alternative for the following reasons. Star Wars: The Mandalorian seems able to attract big guest stars going forward, it can be nice to keep those a surprise. Whereas, if Curtis was involved in a decent-sized role in Avatar 2, I think we’d have heard about that by now.

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Now, my reasoning means very little in the grand scheme of things, so this is no confirmation of the story. Curtis could be in neither production and visiting someone who is working on the set, or she could be playing a small part in Avatar? Curtis has worked with Avatar director James Cameron before, most notably in True Lies. I just get the feeling that if Cameron had cast Curtis, he would have announced it. My gut feelings have been wrong before, but I’ll say rarely. My gut says Star Wars on this one, but I feel like there is scope either way here.

Hell, maybe Curtis has a part in both, even if one is a smaller cameo? We will just have to wait and see what develops further with this story. In the meantime, what do you think of all this? Would you like to see Curtis show up in The Mandalorian Season 2?

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