Look, Avatar was a technologic achievement that enticed audiences with the promise of an immersive 3D theatrical experience. It benefited from being in theaters for 34 weeks, including a re-release, and a huge amount of more expensive 3D screens. The amount of money it made was once unheard of. It reigned as the most money-making film of all time in the domestic and worldwide markets for a long time.
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Its domestic throne was taken in 2015 (technically in 2016) by Star Wars: The Force Awakens and its worldwide title now belongs to Avengers: Endgame! The latest Avengers film beat Avatar’s original theatrical run total several weeks ago and takes the top spot at 87 days in release. Think about that… $2.79 billion in less than three months! No matter your opinion on either film, that’s amazing.
Looking at the worldwide top 10 is crazy. Disney is directly responsible for six of them while now owning Fox and therefore Avatar. The big question is, what will the Avatar sequels do at the box office? With four planned sequels, through 2027, Disney is showing faith in James Cameron’s franchise plans and showing they believe the series will still perform well at the box office. This writer isn’t so certain. 3D movies have not taken off in the way some would have hoped. However, Cameron is a pioneer in more than just 3D technology but does a great job of pushing the limits of special effects in general. This could get people in seats again.
What are your thoughts on Avatar and the announced sequels? Do you think they’ll make as much money as the original? Let us know in the comments below!
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Source: Box Office Mojo