Oh, yeah, it’s finally happened. According to a new report from Forbes, Avengers: Infinity War has finally crossed the notorious $2 billion milestone. With that, it has become the fourth film ever to do so, behind Titanic, Avatar, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
So does it stand a chance of becoming the No. 3 grossing film of all time? Star Wars: The Force Awakens ended its run with $2.068 billion worldwide, so right now, Avengers is around $68 million from taking that third place position. Given how the movie is inching along, it seems unlikely, right? Maybe not.
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The outlet states that Infinity War managed to hit the milestone six days quicker than Star Wars: The Force Awakens and only one day behind Avatar. It may be trickling, but if audiences give one extra push, $2.1 billion is a figure that is possible, meaning that it could take that bronze trophy The Force Awakens has clinged to comfortable for the past couple years. Of course, the biggest difference here is that Avengers: Infinity War has faced continued and consistent competition since its release, whereas The Force Awakens did not.
Do you expect Avengers: Infinity War to usurp The Force Awakens? Do you WANT the film to take down a Star Wars film? Let us know your predictions down below!
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SOURCE: Forbes