Avengers: Infinity War – James Gunn Reveals [SPOILER’S] Last Words








As Avengers: Infinity War continues to dominate the box office, the events of the film continue to weigh heavy on the minds of fans. If you’ve seen the film you know that scenes toward to the end of the film are difficult to watch. Many beloved characters flutter away into ash after Thanos snaps his fingers. One of those characters was the teenage son of Groot, whose final “I am Groot” came across with a certain type of feeling. The man who took the Guardians of the Galaxy from page to screen, James Gunn, revealed in a tweet the translation to Groot’s apparent last words.


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There was only one other snap related death that hit me harder than Groot, and that was, of course, Spider-Man’s. With both of them being teenagers, it just makes it a little bit sadder than watching the others flutter away. It appears as if Groot was calling Rocket dad, and now we know how he feels about the loud-mouthed, yet lovable, anthropomorphic raccoon.

As most of you that have seen the film know, there were a few characters caught up in the snap that have upcoming sequels planned, so it is extremely likely that they will somehow be brought back in next year’s Avengers film. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is set for 2020, and with Rocket being the only one of the crew left, it’s a safe bet that Star-Lord and Groot will return, as well as Gamora, who we recently learned is in fact inside the soul stone.

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Source: James Gunn  (via CBM)

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