Avengers: Infinity War – Joe Russo Talk The Soul Stone’s Power

One of the more exciting aspects of Avengers: Infinity War was the mystery surrounding the Soul Stone. We seen in the film what Thanos sacrificed to obtain the stone, which as the Purple Titan says himself, was everything. It also appeared to be one of the more difficult stones for Thanos to obtain.

Fans also got to see Thanos use the Soul Stone in his battle with Doctor Strange. Co-director Joe Russo, who is one part of the directorial sibling team with his brother Anthony. The two participated in a Q&A session that followed a screening of Avengers: Infinity War put on by Collider. You can check out what Joe Russo had to say about the power the Soul Stone holds below.

“The Soul Stone obviously has the ability to manipulate your soul, the essence of who you are. One key moment where it’s used is where Doctor Strange turns into multiple Stranges and then Thanos uses the Soul Stone to eradicate all the fake Stranges and momentarily shoves Strange out of his own body, and Strange has to pull himself back in… Of course when Thanos goes to the Soul Stone itself, to speak to his dead daughter, he obviously has an ability to resurrect, conjure the spiritual representation of the people who are dead.”

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So there’s a little more clarification on the Soul Stone’s power for you folks. A powerful stone comes at a powerful price. Thanos sacrificing his daughter is to me, one of the darkest moments within all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I think it’s safe to assume that the still untitled Avengers 4, is going to have one tearjerker of a reunion scene between Gamora and Thanos.

Does this help clear some things up for you? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Collider

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