WB has announced that Batman: Caped Crusader, a new animated series is coming to HBO Max and Cartoon Network. Using state of the art animation, this will be a retelling of Batman, Gotham and his Rogue’s Gallery of villains. The series will be run by Matt Reeves, (The Batman) along with J.J. Abrams and long time DC collaborator Bruce Timm.
A joint statement for the three reads.
“We are beyond excited to be working together to bring this character back, to tell engrossing new stories in Gotham City. The series will be thrilling, cinematic, and evocative of Batman’s noir roots, while diving deeper into the psychology of these iconic characters. We cannot wait to share this new world.”
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“It is always fun to feed the insatiable appetite fans have for all things Batman,” WarnerMedia executive Tom Ascheim said in a separate statement. “Batman: Caped Crusader will entertain first-time and die-hard fans alike and, with such an impressive creative team in place, we know we have another future Batman classic in the making.”
“Batman: The Animated Series was a masterpiece that shaped the perception of the character for an entire generation of fans,” adds fellow executive Sam Register. “It is in that spirit that we are bringing together three master storytellers in J.J., Matt, and Bruce – each with their own intuitive understanding and affection for the character – to create a new series that will continue in the same groundbreaking legacy.”
I’m always happy to see more Batman. It’s been a while since the Dark Knight has had his own animated show. Clearly fans will look at Batman: The Animated Series as the bench mark for any animated Batman show. However, until the show is out there, who can say? Will Batman: Caped Crusader match up to those lofty heights?
Are you excited to see Batman: Caped Crusader eventually? Leave any thoughts below.