Zack Snyder is long gone from the Worlds of DC. He had a crack at it with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, but it became clear after that second film that his overall vision for the universe was one that didn’t click with fans, and as such, they didn’t click with Warner Bros., who needed these movies to be successful.
As such, there is a version of the DC Extended Universe that will never be. There is a version of Justice League in Snyder’s brain that will never be realized, and as a result, there are questions left in Batman v Superman that will likely never be answered. Over the past several months, Snyder has taken to his social media platform of choice (Vero, for some reason) to interact with fans answer questions about his DC films, and in many cases, clarify what he was trying to get across.
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A recent question from fans revolved around Martha Kent. Given Superman’s abilities, he is more than capable of finding her for himself, right? Why is it that he relies on Batman and Alfred to find her, then? Here was Snyder’s reply:
“It is a green screen shot. He flies above the city and hovers. The camera begins to rotate around him as he hears the cries of citywide crime going on and as we get closer, he is in pain because he knows if he try’s [sic] to find her this way, he will have to ignore the countless crimes going on in the two cities and the world.”
So pretty much, the dude couldn’t actively ignore the voices of people he hears in pain, and as such, chose instead to not activate his hearing at all. Some may hate this interpretation because it means Superman actively decides to turn a blind eye to anything going on by shutting off his ears, but that’s Snyder for you. You can’t go to him and expect a happy-go-lucky interpretation of these kinds of abilities.
What do you think of Snyder’s explanation? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Zack Snyder (via Ser_Jon_Arryn)