Beauty and the Beast is definitely an interesting, for the lack of a better word, beast of a film. With many of the Disney live-action remakes of their films, audiences seem to be interested in how the movie will differ from its animated counterpart. But with Beauty and the Beast, audiences seem a whole lot more interested in what’s going to be the same from the animated film. Disney has plenty of beloved films in their repertoire, but few are as beloved as the original animated movie.
Disney seemed to know that they’d have to tread lightly with this remake. Chances were that viewers would have a very narrow threshold of forgiveness when it came to the end product this would become. Rather than try to reimagine the original film, it seems they’re opting to transliterate it to the live-action medium. They’ve even gone so far as to bring many of the song and dance sequences to the new flick, including one of the favorites, “Gaston,†which sees our villain and his cronies praising his manliness.
On Good Morning America, we got to see our first real look at the number, which features Luke Evans as Gaston and Josh Gad as Le Fou.
Check it below:
WATCH: New clip from #BeautyAndTheBeast featuring @TheRealLukevans, @joshgad singing 'Gaston.' – @beourguest
— Good Morning America (@GMA) February 14, 2017
If you were a fan of the original movie, unless they do something wrong to seriously mess with the core mythology, there seems to be little here that will disappoint you. For better or worse, Disney seems intent on recapturing the same exact magic that made the animated film so iconic. Given that they’ve been successful with most of their more recent similar takes, with Cinderella and The Jungle Book, there is little doubt they will stumble in this one.
But if seeing the reimagined film isn’t quite enough for you, take heart that one of the original composers Alan Menken has been brought back to make three new songs for the movie. As of this writing, we’re not quite sure if there are any songs from the original that didn’t make the cut for this one, and if they’ve decided to simply add these new ones to the existing slate, it looks like we’ll be in for quite the musical number indeed.
What did you think of this clip from the movie? Is it about as good as you’d expect a live-action reimagining of the original “Gaston†song? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Beauty and the Beast hits theaters on March 17, 2017!
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SOURCE: Good Morning America