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Bobby Henline on Becoming A Comedian From Army Vet in Upcoming Doc Live Well Done [Exclusive Interview]

Bobby Henline in upcoming doc Live Well Done

Stories of inspiration are everywhere. The life story of comedian Bobby Henline deserves to be told on screen as he heals the world through laughter after suffering his own tragedy. Director Nony Geffen (Not in Tel Aviv) plans to film Henline’s life, family and stand-up career in the upcoming documentary Live Well Done.

As a veteran of Desert Storm by the age of nineteen, Henline was inspired to re-enlist after the attacks of 9/11. While serving as a paratrooper on his 4th tour in Iraq, Henline suffered burns on almost 40% of his body after an IED blast blew up his Humvee. Of the five men in the vehicle, Bobby is the only survivor. He stumbled out of the wreck as a human torch with burns from head to foot, the bones in his face and shoulders fractured and his head burned to the skull.

During his initial six-month recovery at Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, Henline turned to humor as therapy. Upbeat, positive, and relying on humor to get him through each day, he kept other wounded soldiers’ spirits up by telling them jokes. One day, his occupational therapist challenged him to go to an open mic night and try his hand at performing in front of a live audience. The rest is history.

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The planned documentary Live Well Done has director Nony Geffen and producer Ben Segal of Scott Rudin Productions on a cross-country road trip of the United States from comedy clubs to arenas as a journey of comical redemption.

LRM Online’s Gig Patta spoke with Bobby Henline as he retells his life story from being a war hero to a stand-up comedian. He addressed why it is important to tell this story on the screen in hopes to inspires others.

No date is set for the release of the documentary.

Watch the exclusive interview with Bobby Heline below. Let us know what you think of it.

Source: LRM Online Exclusive

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