It has become a tradition in the Batman Cinematic Universe that the Batmobile get either subtle or distinct changes between each film. A couple of days ago Zach Snyder confirmed that the Batmobile will have some changes made to it for the new Justice League film. Zach posted an image of the front of the Batmobile with the caption “Upgrades… what are you worried about Wayne.” obviously referencing to the new fire power added to the Batmobile. Below is a side by side image of the Batmobile from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the one Snyder just shared from Justice League.
While some of the changes are noticeable there are some subtle changes to the overall design of the Batmobile now that might not have been noticed on the first glance. If you notice the new version of the Batmobile has a more flat box design compared to themore rounded profile of the previous Batmobile. Take a look below of all the changes we noticed.
The first noticeable change is the placement of the twin turret machine-guns. Now the turret guns have been split and place above the quarter pane of the vehicle. While on the original batmobile the turrent guns were positioned on a pivot joint so it could rotate around, now each gun is on its own pivot allow the guns to fire in separate directions.
Replacing the turret machine guns at the very front of the Batmobile looks like a turret missle launcher. With 6 missles locked and loaded it is a safe bet that the Batmobile can launch one or all at the same time.
The third weaponize addition to the Batmobile seems to be the biggest mystery looking like it is for a super powered enemy. It could be a gun similar to the gun added to the Batmobile from the Batman: Arkham Knight video game. The gun in reference was added to the Batmobile to take our armored tanks that have taken over Gotham City. With the way the gun is mounted it looks like there is a screen for visibility for a passenger to aim and shoot.
The last major change we noticed was the change in the Batmobile windshield. With the heavy gun mounted in its location it had to effect the length of the windshield taking away some visibility.
What do you all think? Do you like the new design of the Batmobile? Are the addition of more weapons going against what Batman stands for? Were there any other changes you noticed from the new Batmobile? Let us know in the comments section.
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