Dan Didio is turning over in his grave, or at least he would be if he was passed on to the eternal life where comic book gods go. If you do not know, he made a damn good effort to kill Nightwing quite awhile ago, and he was a huge part of DC Comics, and is the co-producer of DC Comics now. Well, whether he likes it or not, it sounds like we’ll be seeing more Nightwing.
We have just learned that the LEGO Batman director Chris McKay will be helming a live action Nightwing movie.
I think we all have a bit of a Ben Affleck, Batman, headache right now, so my endorphins are flowing with this news. But What has McKay done with Robin/Nightwing so far?
In LEGO Batman, Robin (Dick Grayson, Nightwing) was voiced by Michael Cera, and while McKay’s Batman & Robin may have been one of the funniest versions we have seen, the dramatic role he played towards the end of the film likely scored him this huge movie. Geees, wanna take DCEU in a different direction? Here we go, I’ll bet my laptop Geoff Johns is behind this — looking — o.k. I could not find concrete information, but you don’t want my computer anyways!
McKay has also created one of the most memorable, even though sarcastic and comical, Batman ever conceived.
We must also ask if Joseph-Gordon Levitt will play Nightwing. I think this will be an obvious no. So, who would be best at playing Nightwing???? I mentioned this guy in an earlier article today, but how bout Jimmi Simpson? Let’s hear it, surely this is huge news here!
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Source: Variety