Renowned writer Brian Buccellato, known for his contributions to hit titles like “No/One,” “The Flash,” and “Chicken Devil,” is teaming up once again with artist Stefano Simeone, acclaimed for his work on “The Last Days of Black Hammer” and “Radiant Black.” This dynamic duo is set to launch an all-new character-driven superhero series titled “Midlife (Or How to Hero at Fifty!)” in October, courtesy of Image Comics. With their combined expertise, Buccellato and Simeone promise readers an engaging and relatable story that explores the life of a middle-aged hero.
The upcoming series introduces us to Ruben Kwan, a 50-year-old firefighter whose entire existence has been overshadowed by his fear of fire. Instead of braving infernos like his heroic father—who tragically lost his life on the job—Ruben spends his days pushing paperwork. After a quarter-century of leading an unremarkable life within the Los Angeles Fire Department, Ruben’s world takes an unexpected turn. His life gains newfound purpose as he discovers an astonishing ability—he’s fireproof. The revelation comes at a pivotal moment: Ruben’s wife is expecting a child, and a spontaneous act of bravery unveils his extraordinary power. The narrative follows Ruben’s journey as he grapples with his identity as a middle-aged superhero, unearthing the remarkable potential his powers offer.
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Buccellato, brimming with enthusiasm for the project, shared, “I’m super excited to tell this weirdly personal story that is tonally closer to my recent Aftershock series, Chicken Devil. It’s a combination of grounded, humorous, dark, and absurd—featuring a biracial fifty-year-old rookie hero who accepts the challenge of using his newfound powers for good… even if he does have a bad back and creaky knees. It’s also an opportunity to tell a superhero story from a different point of view, with a protagonist who is half Chinese and half Puerto Rican and drawn from my own life experience as a father starting a new family again at fifty.”
Simeone chimed in, reflecting on his personal connection to the story, saying, “When Brian first talked to me about his idea for Midlife, my son had just been born, so I can relate a lot with this. Ruben is 50 and I’m in my 30s, but I feel older. So now I just need superpowers. I hope people will enjoy this series, it has so much heart and action, I think we all need someone like Ruben to protect us in real life.”
The release of “Midlife (Or How to Hero at Fifty!)” is slated for October 11, with both the main issue (Lunar Code 0823IM306) and the special 1:10 copy incentive variant (Lunar Code 0823IM307) becoming available at comic book shops. The series will also be accessible on various digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play, ensuring a wider audience can enjoy the gripping tale of a middle-aged hero’s journey to redefine his purpose and wield his newfound powers for the greater good.