Bruce Campbell is no stranger to superhero movies. As a member of the Sam Raimi family, he had a front-row seat to one of the first big superhero franchises in the more modern era of the industry with the Spider-Man trilogy. Those films went on to pave the way for the blockbuster-laden world we currently live in now.
But how does he feel about these movies? Speaking with, he revealed his main problem with superhero movies these days:
“My only beef with superheroes is that they’re not flawed enough. Oh, Superman’s got Kryptonite. Well, what the hell’s Kryptonite? I don’t know what that means. Give me Ash, the guy could be, he’s a gas station attendant, you know? The guy’s Mr. Nobody.”
I’m not entirely sure what to make of those comments. By flaws does he mean weaknesses, or does he mean personality flaws? It’s not entirely clear based on his statement, but on the whole, it sounds like he doesn’t have much of a big problem with these movies. That being said, he does feel sorry for the actors who have to bring the characters in them to life:
“Big blockbuster movies, whenever I see an actor get cast in one of those, I wince, because I go, ‘Oh, that poor son of a b**ch is going to be in that suit for 10 years.’ If shooting schedule’s seven months of shooting, you get your one month in the Bahamas, and then you’re promoting for three months, then you go right back to the next sequel, back in that same f**king suit.'”
He’s got a point there. Poor Ryan Reynolds needs a team to get into that leather outfit in Deadpool, but on the other hand, heroes like Robert Downey Jr. and Ray Fisher often wear outfits more akin to sweat suits for their shooting days, as most of the suit is added in post.
What do you think of Campbell’s comments? Let us know down below!
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