There is little doubt that one of the great things about the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise is the music. In the first film, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord, played by Chris Pratt, takes on the opening credits grooving through an ancient town to the sounds of Redbone’s classic Come and Get Your Love. In the second film the opening credits features a battle with the entire Guardians team as Baby Groot grooves through to the sounds of Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra. Both of opening scenes I feel did a great job at setting the appropriate mood for the films.
Now what would happen if we took that same concept and applied it to another Marvel film? Well thanks to F.A.B Animations on YouTube we can see Mr. Blue Sky applied to Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War. They use the fight scene at the airport that featured Iron Man’s team which included Vison, War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panter and Spider-Man and Captain America’s team which showcased Falcon, Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Hawk-Eye and the Winter Solider. Check it out above.
What do you think? It’s amazing how a simple soundtrack could completely change the tone of a film. For me at least this made me think that at the end of this introduction there was going to be a monologue by one of the characters about how they got to that point and then the film would go back in time and the story would begin. The ending with Ant-Man, played by Paul Rudd, where he asks for orange slices helps out as well.
With the success that Guardians of the Galaxy has had with their music and 80’s vibe its not surprising to see Justice League and Thor: Ragnarok using some of the same for their marketing of their films. Mr. Blue Sky is a very upbeat song that could lighten the mood of many scenes, but the one of Civil War version was missing one essential piece and that is Baby Groot. What do you guys think of the Civil War scene with the Guardian’s introduction? Or better yet what do you think of the song? Be sure to chime in below!
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Source: YouTube
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