Captain Marvel will hit the big screen for preview night on Thursday (the 7th) and officially release on Friday. It’s first two weekends will bring to a close a burning question. Will Brie Larson’s controversial comments have a major effect on the film?
Last week I discussed a concerted effort to “review bomb” the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film. The effort was aimed at the ‘Want To See’ section of the review website, Rotten Tomatoes. Some people wanted to play semantics with the phrases but the action was and still is being referred too across the industry as review ‘bombing’ and it is childish. There’s a difference between people going onto a site to say whether or not they like or want too see a film, and the act of coordinating and calling out for large groups that rarely, if ever, leave reviews. Especially when the goal is to make a movie look bad and effect other movie goers desire to see it.
Since being hired by the greatest entertainment news site ever, LRM Online, I have begun frequenting social media and internet forums more than I have in the past. I have personally seen calls for review bombing multiple movies on both types of websites. I am not alone in seeing this as Comic Book Resources recently reported on seeing the same.
It’s a double edged sword to not link directly to internet trolls. On the one hand, showing a source is important. On the other, giving them attention and clicks is not so good. I would encourage anyone that questions the validity of such claims of trolling to use search engines and social media to check out posts on Captain Marvel and review bombing. It’s not hard to find, although I have a feeling readers will try to get me to provide direct links in the comments. I won’t engage you. You are capable of typing a couple of dozen words in a search engine.
I am not against people posting their opinions. I am probably the most pro-free speech person I know. I don’t even think Rotten Tomatoes should have changed their operating procedure. However, I think it’s lame to try and influence the financial success of a movie based on one’s personal opinion. I mentioned last week how I would be a very bored person if I didn’t consume entertainment from those I disagreed with and that I support and understand people that choose the opposite. That doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion on people who choose to do so.
So what will happen at the end of the coming week? What will be the audience score for Captain Marvel? How many “reviews” will be legitimate? There’s no way to tell for sure. The movie has been tracking between $100 and $150 million for its opening weekend, but some of those numbers are old and come from before Brie Larson’s comments on diversity at press events. I have been talking since December how I do not think the film will make more than Wonder Woman, but others from the site feel differently. The movie will make money, the question is how much?
If you’re angry at Larson for her comments, fine. If you aren’t, also fine. They weren’t the best words to use, but I feel her clarification is sincere. To be honest my biggest fear is something the Russo brothers, directors of Avengers: Endgame, mentioned in an interview with Cinemablend, and that’s the power level of Carol Danvers herself.
What do you think of review bombing? Do you think it’s happening with this movie? Are you going to see Captain Marvel? Let us know in the comments below!
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SOURCES: CinemaBlend, Deadline, Pro Box Office, CBR,