Category: News

Producer Greg Berlanti Talks Ruby Rose Casting Controversy

With the fall lineup of the Arrowverse ready to make their season debuts this week, it's exciting to think that in just a few months we are going to have the crossover event titled Elseworlds

Series Based On The Dresden Files Novels In Development

The Dresden Files, a series of novels written by author Jim Butcher, has been optioned by 20th Century Fox. The studio plans to develop a series based on the novels. The show follows Harry Dresden,

The Titans Tell Deadpool To Suck It In Twitter Post

DC's Titans have pushed back against a joke made in Deadpool 2 with a video posted on Twitter. For those that don't know, the joke in Deadpool 2 pokes fun at how dark and brooding

Alita: Battle Angel – Robert Rodriguez’s Biggest Film Has A Budget Around $150 Million | NYCC 2018

I love me some Robert Rodriguez. As a young Latino film geek, I looked up to the dude and his kinetic and fast-paced filmmaking style. With other filmmakers out there, you got the sense that

Joker: New Set Video And Photos Show Joaquin Phoenix Smoking Well, it's Monday, so what would any start of the week be without a hit of Joker set images and videos?  As you may know, the standalone film from Todd Phillips (which takes

Robert Rodriguez Wants Alita To Be A James Cameron Movie, Not a Robert Rodriguez Movie | NYCC 2018

Robert Rodriguez has a very distinct filmmaking style. He's not all about making clean-and-polished movies. More than anything, he's about challenging himself creatively and moving at the speed of thought, be it while on set,

The Walking Dead Telltale Game Will Continue From Skybound Games

Recent weeks have not been kind to Telltale Games' PR. The once-beloved video game developer has seen better days. As was announced recently, they are pretty much closing up shop. However, when the announcement was

RUMOR: Avengers 4 To Take Place Five Years After Infinity War

Well, this is an interesting piece of news. Avengers: Infinity War ended with our heroes in tatters. No, they weren't scattered to the wind necessarily, but rather a good number of them were actually scattered

Netflix debuts House of Cards Season 6 trailer! “The reign of the middle-aged white man is over,” says Robin Wright in Netflix’s new trailer for House of Cards. My, we have come a long way. Think back. The year was 2013. Streaming

Venom: Why Riot Instead Of Carnage?

  I'll be honest with you, when I heard there was going to be a Venom movie without Spider-Man the furthest thing from my mind was Carnage. I was worried how Sony intended to do the character