CDPR Hacked And Held To Ransom

CDPR hacked and held to ransom! Not a headline I thought I would be writing today but you never know? It seems CD Projekt Red, creators of The Witcher games and recent disaster Cyberpunk 2077, has been hacked. The anonymous hackers have stolen a massive amount of data, including source codes for the Witcher and Cyberpunk games. The hacker also messed up the CDPR servers, but those appear to have been fixed through back ups. Many HR and legal documents were also pilfered and the hacker left a ransom note.

Whilst they do not make their demands explicit, they do encourage CDPR to make a deal. The threat, is that if CDPR don’t pony up, the unnamed actor will release information to journalists and more. We know all this because CDPR also released the ransom note along with their official statement. Check it out.


Right now CDPR is having a hard time of things, but then, much of that is on their own backs. Cyberpunk 2077 is a great concept, but that vision was far too grand for old consoles. The game only works currently on next gen consoles and PC’s. CDPR have vowed to fix the issue with Cyberpunk 2077, but can they. I’m not sure they fix the fact that PS4’s and Xbox One’s simply can’t handle it?

ALSO SEE: Somehow, Knights Of The Old Republic Has Returned!


I have a lot of respect for CDPR, but they mad some bad decisions this time which have cost them dearly. I truly believe that Cyberpunk 2077 will be a great game, eventually. I personally am waiting for both the next gen update, and most of the bugs to be fixed before I jump. I do certainly intend to play Cyberpunk 2077 some day, I will just have to be patient.

As CDPR says they have no intention of negotiating with this hacker. That does mean that a lot of sensitive documents could start to show up on journalists desks. I guess the hard times for CDPR may just be beginning? What do you think of this CDPR hacked and held to ransom story? As always, leave any thoughts below.

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