In a world where audiences are brutal as hell and there is virtually no ending under the sun that can please hardcore fans, Avengers: Endgame managed to pretty much please everyone. Not only did they juggle countless superheroes in a single movie, but they made it an emotional ride that saw the exit of three incredibly popular superheroes, one of which was Steve Rogers.
Of course, knowing that it’s Marvel, fans are already wondering whether or not we can see some of these characters return. We know Black Widow will be leading her own standalone film in the near future, and we may even see Tony Stark appear in some A.I. fashion at some point. But what about Steve Rogers?
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Actor Chris Evans recently sat down with co-star Scarlett Johansson, and in their discussions, Johansson asked him if he’d return to play Cap at some point in the future. Here’s what he said.
“Everything clicks when I get up. Recovery is not the same. You never say never. I love the character. I don’t know… It’s not a hard no, but it’s not an eager yes either. There are other things that I’m working on right now. I think Cap had such a tricky act to stick the landing, and I think they did a really nice job letting him complete his journey. If you’re going to revisit it, it can’t be a cash grab. It can’t be just because the audience wants to be excited. What are we revealing? What are we adding to the story? A lot of things would have to come together… It doesn’t feel, at this time, that would be a thing.”
Translation: if it does happen, it’ll be for a very important reason. I couldn’t be happier with this response. As much as I’ll miss Steve, his leaving actually meant something, and it’s nice to know that Evans understands that it couldn’t be done just for the hell of it.
But do you think Marvel Studio would ever try and bring him back in some way? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Variety