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Christian Group Rallies Thousands To Cancel Good Omens Off The Wrong Streaming Service, Amazon Responds Hilariously

The world wide web is a great place where we can instantly obtain endless information. It also gives the ability to vent our grievances and protest when we don’t like something, an action that is very common in 2019. For example we have people petitioning because they didn’t like Star Wars: The Last Jedi or we have the group of people doing the same because they were very unhappy with the ending of Game of Thrones. This is a trend that is probably going to be around for a while. Case and point let’s look at the latest petition against Amazon Prime Video’s Good Omens.

This six part series stars David Tennant as a demon named Crowley and Michael Sheen as the angel Aziraphale. Although on opposite sides, the come together to try and prevent the coming of the antichrist and that way stop the apocalypse which Heaven and Hell are both really looking forward to. Good Omens is based on the fantasy novel written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman in 1990. Can you think of anyone who would have an issue with this series?

Reported first by The Guardian more than 20,000 Christians signed an online petition by the Return to Order campaign an offshoot of the US Foundation of a Christian Civilization, which since has been removed, calling for the cancellation of Good Omens from Netflix. In their statement the say that the series is “another step to make satanism appear normal, light and acceptable” and “mocks God’s wisdom”.

No that was not a typo in the last paragraph, the group had mistakenly asked the wrong streaming service to remove the series in question as Good Omens as mentioned above is a Amazon Prime Original. Both Amazon Prime and Neil Gaiman have responded to the petition via Twitter, check it out below.

It’s safe to say that this petition has probably back fired as they are now being trolled by many on social media. It’s interesting to note that this isn’t the first time that the group have called something “blasphemous” as they have previously attacked an ice cream company called Sweet Jesus, the film Office Christmas Party, the AMC series Preacher and Cards Against Humanity so it’s safe to say that this won’t be the last we have heard of them.

I believe everyone has a right not only to have their own opinion but also to share it. Part of that also means respecting other opinions, if a series or a film offends you or you just hate it that fine but if you like it/love it that is also OK too, just don’t believe that your opinion is the only one out there. I just finished Good Omens and I really enjoyed it, growing up as a Christian I found some of their ideas hilarious not to mention that I thought that Tennant and Sheen we’re great.

What are your thoughts on Good Omens? Blasphemous or just good series? Let us know in the comment section below!


Amazon Prime Video’s Good Omens six episode season can be streamed on their streaming service.

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Source: Twitter & The Guardian

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