The most recent episode of The Mandalorian went back to the core of what the show started out as, with Din heading back to Nevarro to meet up with some old friends.
This is your last warning if you haven’t seen the latest episode of The Mandalorian….
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Chapter 12 The Siege was a way back to the original form of the show. With the Razor Crest in terrible shape and no way able to make it to Ahsoka Tano, Din makes the decision to go back to Nevarro to fix his ship. Before we see Din and The Child back on Nevarro there is an interesting scene where a group of robbers are in the sewers where The Watch was hiding scavenging through what was left behind. The scavengers were taken down by Cara Dune which we later find out she making the area a better place to live.
When Din and The Child are greeted by Greef Karga and Cara it was like a class reunion of old friends. The attitude and feel of Nevarro had changed since Mando had last been there and we find out it is because of Cara. She has taken on the role as Marshal of Nevarro similar to how we saw in Chapter 9 Cobb Vanth become the Marshal of Mos Pelgo. Of course when Din comes back his special skills are needed to take down an Imperial facility. Greef request Mando’s help so that he can finally rid the remnants of the Empire from Nevarro.
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This episode had the same exact feeling as completing a side mission on Jedi:Fallen Order on the planet Zeffo. A supposed abandoned Empire arms facility is actually a live facility that is a testing lab. While the Stormtroopers didn’t really give the crew any major issues the climax of the episode is when we kind of find out why The Child was needed at the beginning of the show.
The transmission from Dr. Pershing gave us insight that he was injecting The Child’s blood into test subjects. Whatever they were trying to achieve was not working and he needed more of The Child’s blood. Of course for fans of the Prequels the M-word was mentioned and that is the key for Moff Gideon’s experiment. It now makes sense to why Moff Gideon wants The Child so badly. We know that Yoda had the highest midi-chlorian count beside Anakin Skywalker.
It feels like more questions were made than answered from this episode. Where did The Watch clan go? What is Moff Gideon trying to create on his ship? Why is The Empire injecting Midi-chlorians into test subjects and what is their ultimate goal? Why is the New Republic so interested in Din Djarin? Will Moff Gideon get to Din Djarin before he can get The Child to Ahsoka?
Overall this episode was great for fans of the western style shows from first season of The Mandalorian. Carl Weathers did a great job bringing his directing chops to the Star Wars universe. While this episode didn’t advance the overall arc of the show it was great to see the original crew back working together against the Empire. The Siege had a feeling of a classic video game side mission. Full of action and of course laughs from The Child made this episode keep the vibe of the show and keep the story moving. Although still unclear we got a better understanding of why Moff Gideon and the Empire wanted with The Child. With the appearance of Ahsoka Tano next week maybe we will get the full idea of the Empire’s plan.
Overall Score: B
What do you think about this exclusive look? Are you excited as I am for season two of The Mandalorian?
The Mandalorian Season 2 is currently streaming on Disney+.