Is he dead? Was he kept alive by machines? Kree blood? Was he dead again? These are all questions that come with Clark Gregg’s Agent Coulson from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Agents of SHIELD. Well add one more question, will he appear in the MCU’s biggest movie ever? Gregg himself was asked in a recent interview if he could show up in Avengers: Endgame and stated:
“In the world of Marvel, anything’s possible.”
Given that time travel is all but a certainty, it is entirely possible we see him in the past. There are several theories, and possible Lego sets, that state the final battle in Endgame will be the Battle of New York from the original Avengers film. Coulson was an important part of that movie too. See the dots? Connecting them? I am completely okay with this because it makes sense in the grand scheme of things. Unlike everything in Agents of SHIELD. To be honest, I don’t follow AoS anymore and haven’t since Season 3-ish so… yeah I’m just poking fun. I do miss Coulson in the MCU though. I really wished he could have stuck around, especially to become dust in Infinity War.
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Coulson is set to appear in next month’s Captain Marvel, which is set in the 1990’s as well as be a part of the next season of Agents of SHIELD.
Do you think Agent Coulson will appear in Endgame? If so do you want to see him in the present or only in the past? Let us know in the comments below.