Severance S202 Review – We’re All Caught Up

Here's my Severance S202 review and it seems that after this week, we are all caught up with the Innies and the Outties.

Here’s my Severance S202 review and it seems that after this week, we are all caught up with the Innies and the Outties. This is a Full SPOILERS review with some theories or questions from me. Therefore, if you just want to know what I thought without getting into all that, here it is.

S202 is the perfect companion episode to S201, we effectively get a mirror of Episode 1 but from the Outtie POV. There are no revelatory answers, and as usual a lot more questions. That being said, Episode 1 was great and this ‘other side’ of the coin is once again excellently crafted for our enjoyment. 


As alluded to above, we get to see the events immediately proceeding from the Season 1 finale. Added in with Episode 1, we now have a complete picture. Yet the main focus of our view point is on both Helena and Mark. This means we see a lot of the Outtie time this week with those two. For fans hoping to see more of Dylan and Irvine’s Outties, we do get a little more, just rnough to whet the appetite.

Yet, in the outside world we actually spend more time with Milchick than either. The new severed floor boss is tasked with speaking to each of them, to find out what they know. Milchick is also given the freedom by Helena to sack any of them. Dylan and Irvine both get let go, but for some reason Milchick seems desperate to get Mark to return. Of course, the problem Lumon have as we see in Episode 1 is that Mark S is desperate to get his friends back. Yet, they have all just been sacked, or in Helena’s case, doesn’t seem keen to return.

What I found most interesting was that Lumon seems very intent on having Mark finish his work on ‘Cold Harbor’, which we still do not understand. Therefore, in order to get Mark back to work, it is decided they must go cap in hand to offer Irvine and Dylan their jobs back. Oh, and that means Helly R needs to go back too. Or does it? More on the Helly R/Helena thing below.

So, we are all caught up by the end of Episode 2. We now have the full package of Innie and Outtie story up to around the same point, the group going back to work. 

Any Good?

It’s such an interesting way to tell this story. Season 2 is expanding our ‘get to know you’ time with all eight characters. Yet even now, two episodes in, you feel like you want more. We are used to getting Mark, but now Helena is a whole different ball game. Hopefully there are some gems coming with Irvine and Dylan also. Their Outties or are teased just enough that we are curious to know more. Dylan’s strange interactions with his wife, what’s going on there? Irvine’s mysterious phone box call, observed by Burt in a parked car just raises so many questions also.

The actors all do such a great job of portraying two characters at the same time. Similarities, but differences are there to see. Special shout out this week to Tramell Tillman, again, who this week shows his outside side also, despite not being severed. However, we cannot forget Britt Lower who brings Helena to life really for the first time. Showing us Helena’s completely different character as an Outtie. 

Then add in the expert direction, the use of the shots, and little Easter eggs for keen eyed fans to spot. Even the timing of the arrival of everyone at the top of the elevator matches almost perfectly with the same shots of them getting out the elevator in Episode 1. This is an essential episode and the perfect follow up to Episode 1. I preferred of the two, Episode 1, simply because the disorientation of it made for a wild ride. Though Episode 2 makes up for that by exploring new dimensions of the main cast and allowing time for more natural, reasoned conversations. They both have strong points and little to any weaknesses. 

Theory Corner

No big claims from me this week. Last week I shared evidence I felt proved that Helly R was not Helena in Episode 1. As the week progressed and I discussed it with other fans I was forced to reconsider. There was some evidence which could lead the other way I had overlooked. I’m therefore neutral for the moment on this one. Which is another way of saying, I’m ignorant. The writers have done a good enough job at hinting towards both, that I can’t tell which is which yet. I like being in that position as a viewer.

Episode 2 gives us evidence for both once again. First by Helena hinting that they were going to try something different with MDR. Which, could mean her going in as a spy. However, later Helena’s assistant declares that the Board will insist upon Helly R returning in order that Mark finishes Cold Harbor on time. Leaving us, the audience as in the dark as the characters, though with us waiting for an answer. 

RELATED: Severance S2E01 Review – A Phenomenal Return To Lumon

As for Cold Harbor, what is it and why is it so important? I know there is a theory from Season 1 that the MDR team are decoding the brains of people. The end goal being that Lumon can control them completely. Is it possible that Lumon needs Mark because Cold Harbor IS Ms. Casey? It is important to us to know this is important to them, that’s for sure.

I’ll go back to fan theories that the Board is a consciousness of previous Egan’s all hoping to return in some way eventually. It’s a bit out there. I’m not saying it’s my favourite theory. However, I will say that it seem the Board does not consist of Helena Egan, or her father. That’s just based on how the Board was referenced in this episode. That’s worth noting, right?

Finally, what is Irvine up to, why was Burt following him? I have a feeling both of their Outties know more about Lumon than any of us do yet. Do they know each other in real life? Was Burt just curious as to the guy who was banging on his door? Remember we have not yet seen whether Burt answered that door. When Milchik visit Outtie Irvine, he is back at home and claims nothing much happened. 

Loving the online theories and discussions about Severance


Same grade as last week, very different, but strong in their own unique ways. What a wonderful show, full of brilliant acting, great direction, and heaps and heaps of mystery to obsess over. I only wish I didn’t need to wait a week in between shows.

If you’re not watching Severance yet, you’re missing out on a unique and brilliant TV experience. 

Let me know what you thought of Severance S202, or what you thought of my S202 review? Thoughts below if you fancy leaving a comment. 


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