Behold Viktor Drago in all his bad-ass glory. With Creed 2 almost upon us, the promotional materials are not letting us forget that this is Adonis Creed toughest fight yet. While Michael B. Jordan is no ‘little man’ as it were, he looks positively tiny next to the imposing figure of his opponent. Can Adonis Creed possibly win against this monster? Course he can, it’s a Rocky movie after all ha.
In case you somehow missed the crux of this movie, Viktor Drago is the son of the infamous Ivan Drago, the man who killed Apollo Creed, Adonis father. So as Rocky trains his protégé and Drago trains his son to somehow make up for his own defeat at the hands of Rocky, the stage is set for an epic showdown.
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It remains to be seen whether this movie will work with a similar tone to the first Creed movie and yet still act as a suitable sequel to Rocky 4, which was perhaps the cheesiest and far-fetched of all the Rocky movies (and I still love it).
I certainly don’t envy having to trade blows with that guy. Whilst I am the same height as Viktor Drago, (since, you know, the video punches out his vital statistics in a way you cannot miss) I don’t think I have ever been anywhere near that guy’s physical condition, he’s massive.
The difference between Rocky and Drago was more extreme looking, though Sylvester Stallone isn’t a particularly tall guy for a heavyweight boxer anyway.
Are you ready to cheer for Creed like you did for Rocky back in the 80’s, or has your cynicism of the modern world left you devoid of excitement? Punch out some thoughts in the comments down below. Let’s get ready to rumble!
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