Cyberpunk 2077 is one of my most anticipated game ever, for a start it is made by CD Projekt Red, who developed The Witcher games. I personally think The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the greatest video games ever made, and I know I am not alone in that heady praise.
We have known about Cyberpunk 2077 for some time, but details have been scarce, including potential release date. But as you may be aware it was E3 this weekend and the big guns were all out promoting their games for the upcoming year ahead. We got a brand new cinematic from Cyberpunk 2077, which of course you can catch above.
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We also had movie star Keanu Reeves take to the stage to both introduce fans to the fact he plays a character in the game and also reveal that all-important release date. You can check Reeves’ presentation in the video below. Reeves confirmed the game is released on April 16, 2020 and will be available as expected on Xbox One, Ps4 and PC.
Fall 2020 looks like the release date of the next generation of consoles from both Microsoft and Sony, so one does wonder if CDPR will also make a slightly upgraded version for Xmas that runs better on the new generation. Either way, I personally plan to take a week off work starting April 16, (note to editor, ha) just so I can have a few late nights, because this game is going to be a rabbit hole.
I can’t wait till April 2020 for Cyberpunk 2077, now with added Keanu Reeves. Let us know what you think of all this in the usual spot below.
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SOURCE: E3 Microsoft Presentation