Yesterday Cinelinx published a story about a new Star Wars show. The Barside Buzz was specifically a Darth Maul animated show, that will deal with Maul’s time running Crimson Dawn. I know that BSL thinks the show may be called simply ‘Crimson Dawn’ and I won’t argue as he predicted the Boba Fett trailer yesterday pretty accurately. It seems the best fit for a name anyway to me.
First off I want to say that for what it’s worth we can back up the Cinelinx story here. There is a Darth Maul animated show coming which will deal with his time in Crimson Dawn. As far as we have heard this show is set after the events of The Bad Batch. Though exactly which time the show will be set we cannot say for sure.
EDIT: I somehow missed this but Jordan Maison’s original piece on Cinelinx actually stated the following in the article:
“Off and on for years now, I’ve heard Lucasfilm has been keen to get some sort of Darth Maul series up and running in live-action. For various reasons (*cough* Ray Park *cough*), however, they haven’t been able to get it going. As such, this new animated series seems to be what they’ve decided to go with instead. It also lines up with having heard about Crimson Dawn related plans for a while now; an organization I’m sure will continue to pop up in various projects.”
As you can see, this pretty much lines up with what we thought was some exclusive information below. I guess this is simply confirmation as far as we are concerned that Cinelinx got his one spot on. Thanks for the heads up @JordanMaison. Apologies again.
Original Story Below
As for for our own exclusive information? LRM can say with confidence that at one point this show was supposed to be a live-action show, not animated. If you remember some time ago, LRM revealed that after the ‘online incident’ with Ray Park, Disney decided they were not going to use him anymore. At the time many fans wondered why they would make this decision when he had nothing planned.
However that was not the case. Crimson Dawn, if it’s called that, was supposed to be a live-action sequel to Solo. The likelihood is that Emilia Clarke would have reprised her role as Qi’ra in the show. However, as things stand right now there are no current plans to bring back Qi’ra in live-action. I would love to find out Clarke was doing the voice work for the animated show, but I can’t say whether that’s on the cards or not.
RELATED: Star Wars Rumor: Lucasfilm Moving Forward Without Ray Park As Darth Maul Following Instagram Post | LRM Top Shelf Rumor
So just to confirm our news again, the Darth Maul animated show revealed by Cinelinx yesterday was actually at one point a live-action show starring Ray Park and Emilia Clarke, amongst others. However the actions of Park, which he later blamed on hacking, caused Lucasfilm to go in a different direction. As for where this information came from, this was from LRM‘s number one Star Wars source from inside Lucasfilm. The same source who has given us so many exclusives in the past year or so.
What do you think about the idea of this Darth Maul animated show? Are you slightly disappointed that this was at one point going to be a live-action show. Or do you prefer this story to carry on in animated form anyway? As always, leave any thoughts you have below about our exclusive Barside Buzz information. .