Hollywood is one of the most hilariously-counterintuitive industries out there. Oftentimes, sets that are made to look cold are the hottest, and things that you think would be a walk in the park to film were actually the biggest nightmares.
Here comes another heavy dose of irony, courtesy of Stranger Things and Hellboy star David Harbour. Speaking with Women’s Health, Harbour reflected on the time he auditioned to play the Blob in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Sadly, he did not get the part.
“At the end of the audition, I squeezed my stomach and was like, ‘I got your Blob right here!’ Then I met with the director and he said, ‘David, you’re a wonderful actor, but we’re worried about your health.’ I was like, ‘What do you mean, man?’ And he was like, ‘We saw you had some fat, and we’re worried you’re not healthy enough to carry the suit.’ I was like, ‘Dude, you’re telling me I’m too fat to play the Blob?’ The irony was priceless.”
It sounds ridiculous, but it does make sense. At the end of the day, the actor has to be strong enough to carry a ridiculously heavy suit around all day. Sadly, even a strong blob couldn’t save that film from being a ridiculous embarrassment for the franchise.
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SOURCE: Women’s Health