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David Tennant Would Like To Play Kilgrave Again In MCU

David Tennant says he would like to play Kilgrave again in the MCU. Pity he's dead, but you never know with Marvel.

David Tennant says he would like to play Kilgrave again in the MCU. The actor had a memorable turn as Kilgrave aka Purple Man from the comics within Jessica Jones. In fact he was so good he probably got Jessica two more seasons because everything else was just bad in those shows. Sadly, Season 1 ended with Kilgrave getting his neck broken by Jessica. So if Jessica Jones is canon (debateable) then Kilgrave is gone for good.

Tennant understands his character is very dead. However, he also knows this is Marvel and therefore characters can come back from death, or from another Universe. After presenting this year’s BAFTA Awards this weekend Tennant was interviewed on the red carpet. He was asked which character he would like to bring back and the interviewer immediately jumped in with ‘please say Kilgrave’.

“I’d love to do Kilgrave again, yeah Kilgrave would be great. Yeah, that would be good wouldn’t it?!”

“I mean… he did very much get his neck broken, he was very dead. But never say never in the Marvel Universe.”

I mean it’s no surprise that an actor said they’d like more work in the future. However, I am partial to a bit of Tennant, which simply means I think he’s a brilliant actor. I loved Kilgrave as a bad guy and I think he was one of the best Marvel villains thus far. So whilst I normally like dead characters to stay dead, it would be hard to get annoyed at a Kilgrave return.

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It could be done in a way where he’s not really back either. If they do make a Jessica Jones series again, they could have Kilgrave in her head a lot. Which, would just be Tennant on set of course, but no one else can see him. There’s also a planned reboot or semi-reboot we’ve heard after Secret Wars. That could be a chance for a few characters to appear back who were dead.

Just, don’t clone him and say ‘somehow Kilgrave has returned’ and we’ll be golden.

What do you think of his comments after David Tennant says he would like to play Kilgrave again in the MCU? As always leave any thoughts below.

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