The DCEU has had issues since 2016’s Batman Vs. Superman hit the big screen and people needed night vision goggles to watch it. Okay, that was harsh but the film was awfully dark and the edit shown in theaters left fans divided. I have only seen the extended cut but even that made me think DC fans were cheated. It wouldn’t be until Wonder Woman hit that critics and fans would agree that a DCEU movie was good, but a few months later Justice League staggered into theaters and really left fans disappointed. The problems with that movie have been discussed in great detail over the last couple of years and coupled with the divisiveness of BvS likely led to Ben Affleck’s departure from the DCEU. It also led to at least 95% of the 267 movies DC and WB had planned being canceled or delayed.
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With The Flash film in development Hell and Cyborg canceled it should come as no surprise that Ray Fisher (Cyborg) and Ezra Miller’s (Flash) futures in the DCEU are in question. A few months ago it was reported that Ezra Miller was working with Grant Morrison on a script re-write and if the team at DC and WB didn’t like his take, he’d walk. Now we get word from Geeks World Wide writer Thomas Polito that the contracts with Fisher and Miller are coming to an end.
It is interesting that Miller and Fisher have a timeline in their contract instead of a movie count like most actors have over at Marvel. Contracts are more fluid than one would thank and are constantly renegotiated so this could mean nothing really, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see both of these gentlemen walk away.
WB and DC seem to be giving up on the shared universe and allowing each movie they do make focus on the characters in it alone. Both Shazam! and Aquaman had connective tissue to the DCEU but did nothing to set up any future JL movies. I think this is a good thing and it was an idea I had talked about with fellow geeks years ago. With the idea of a multi-verse and time travel, it would be easy to have a bunch of individual franchises and every 5 years have Barry Allen or Wally West run through time and the multi-verse to collect heroes for a team-up film. I hope to see a well-done JL on the screen someday. The fans deserve it.
What do you think about this contract business? Do you want to see Fisher and Miller in more DC films? Let us know in the comments below!
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Source: Thomas Polito (Via Twitter)