Deadpool 2’s Lewis Tan Says Shatterstar Returns For X-Force

Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for Deadpool 2.

If you clicked on this article, chances are you saw Deadpool 2 and are wondering how this is all possible. Just in case you clicked on the link without seeing the film, and just in case you aren’t afraid of being spoiled, it’s probably best that I explain why it’s surprising. During the X-Force sequence in the film, most of the team hilariously gets killed off upon landing out of the chopper in incredibly gruesome ways.

Bedlam runs into a bus, Shatterstar gets chopped up by a propeller, the Vanisher got electrocuted, Zeitgeist got ground up by a wood chipper, and Peter got his arm dissolved by Zeitgeist’s acid vomit. At the end of the film, Deadpool goes back in time to save Peter, but the fate of the rest of the X-Force is unclear. Now, it sounds like actor Lewis Tan (who plays Shatterstar) believes he will be back in the next film.

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“You’re going to see more of my character in the X-Force film … that’s what it’s looking like. Thankfully, Deadpool went back and had a little time machine that he stole, so in the post-credits scene he brought back Peter, and it’s assumed that we’re all going to come back as well. Hopefully, he brings back Shatterstar and everybody, because the fans really enjoyed that scene, and I get a lot of attention online about how they thought it was one of the best scenes in the film.”

Admittedly, I’m a bit surprised by this. While we did see Deadpool save Peter, I pretty much assumed he was the only one being saved. At the end of the day, Peter was the only one he could have direct control over without altering the events of the rest of the film, as the others died before landing. But, if Tan is to be believed, there will be much more from them in the future.

Do you believe we’ll be seeing more of the X-Force that was introduced in Deadpool 2? Sound off down below!

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