EXCLUSIVE: It’s pretty much a done deal. As was reported on earlier today, Comcast is no longer playing the bidding game to acquire most of 21st Century Fox’s assets, and instead, Disney will be taking over, for better or worse. This leaves a lot of things up in the air. What will become of all of Fox’s studios? Will they be left alone to operate as they have been, or will Disney ultimately gut the beast and make it in its own image?
More specifically, what does this mean for properties like Deadpool, whose R-ratings don’t really represent the squeaky-clean image Disney has represented for decades? I had a chance to sit down with Deadpool and Deadpool 2 actor Stefan Kapičić at San Diego Comic-Con to discuss the franchise’s success, and when asked whether or not he was worried about the future under the seemingly inevitable Disney regime, he expressed only positivity.
“You know what, the thing is, nobody is stupid in those, I say studios or worlds, so nobody’s stupid and they know all of these things are making money and people love the way it’s already done. So if you wanna destroy a franchise, I don’t see sense in that and I’m sure that’s not gonna happen. I’m sure that Disney, or whatever happens, whoever gets it, is gonna stay honest and let the franchise live as it was because there is no reason why would you like make Deadpool PG because that’s not Deadpool anymore. You have so many characters that you can do, like play like that. But for Deadpool people, they love Deadpool as R-rated movie and Ryan Reynolds is doing that. And all the other characters in the franchise. So I don’t think that X-Force is gonna be nothing different than what Fox was thinking to do with it. It’s still … there needs to pass a lot of time before they start getting involved in the creativity of that. So I don’t … I’m not afraid for X-Force and Deadpool for like a few years from now definitely. There’s no fear. I think everything’s gonna stay the same in the next few years and I don’t think that will ever change because that needs to go like that.”
I have to say, as it stands, I agree. Had Deadpool been proven a fluke with the flop of its sequel, it may be in danger, but with Deadpool 2 having made $729 million worldwide, it’s clear that there is an appetite out there for some real, R-rated comic book goodness. So long as Disney is able to make money, I don’t see a reason why we have to worry.
But what do you think? Do you think the Deadpool franchise should be worried about Disney taking the reins? Let us know down below!
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