The beloved animated classic, The Little Mermaid is one year young than I am, being released in 1989. 33 years later Disney fans finally got their first look at the live-action version of Ariel, who Hallie Bailey is playing. At this year’s annual D23 celebration in Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Convention Center, director Rob Marshall took a break from working on the post-production of his under the sea world to introduce a brand new teaser trailer for the film you can check it out below!
The teaser trailer may give viewers some chills, as an orchestra plays part of the “Part of Your World” score introducing us to the underwater world that is going to be the home of Ariel and other beloved characters. The teaser’s climatic moment takes us to our first look at Baliey as the little mermaid herself singing a part of the song looking off into the surface world.
For most Disney fans, this trailer should be enough to really spark excitement. Bailey looks great as Ariel and for a studio whose live-action films haven’t been too great lately, this may get them back on track.
Fans who attended D23 got to hear the “Part of Your World” sequence. Bailey and Marshall talked about their excitement about the film. It was also revealed that the film would feature fan-favorite songs. As well as four brand new songs by Alan Menken and Lin-Manuel Miranda. The Little Mermaid will also feature stars Melissa McCarthy as Ursula and Javier Bardem as Triton.
What did you guys think of the teaser trailer for the film? Let us know in the comments below!
Walt Disney Studios’ The Little Mermaid splashes into theaters summer of 2023.