Like Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy before it, Doctor Strange was one of those movies that could revealed itself as the chink in the proverbial Marvel Studios armor. It was a property few mainstream audiences knew about, and it also threatened to tear down the very logic on which the Marvel Cinematic Universe was grounded in. Could they manage to incorporate magic and sorcery into this world with the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor without breaking it completely? The answer was a resounding yes, and audiences and critics fell in love with the Sorcerer Supreme-to-be, and given the success of the film, it’s inevitable that Marvel Studios will eventually revisit the character in his own standalone film.
The question remains, however, is who could the studio hire to take on this task, if it were to happen? Would they hire a new director to helm the project, or would they turn back to Scott Derrickson, who did such a great job with the first entry?
Speaking with CinemaBlend, Benedict Cumberbatch stated that he believed Derrickson would do an amazing job should he return to tell a second story with Strange.
“…I think also Scott’s got, he’s very good on process, and he’s very good on visuals and he had to cram a lot in. I mean this was a much harder shoot in many ways than I imagine some of the other origin stories had been. They’re all hard, not to detract from the hard work that they put in, but my point is that there was a massively fast turn around. So he was having to edit and approve special effects shots at the same time as setting up these huge sequences live and getting the camera and angles and performances and visuals right on the day. So he was double tasking in a pretty full on way and then he was, for someone who’s done stuff to do stuff with the supernatural before but never, as he’d be the first to admit I’m sure, never quite on this scale. He had to do it all with great skill and the results are on the screen. So yeah I think this film speaks to why Scott would be a great choice to direct it again…â€
Indeed, when Benedict Cumberbatch discusses a hard shoot, it’s impossible not to look at the infamous backwards fight scene. Between all the moving parts in that sequence, we can’t even imagine the amount of planning and flawless execution required to make it a possibility.
Luckily for us fans, Derrickson stated some time ago that he has plenty of ideas left over for the sequel should the opportunity arise. If he’s game, we don’t know why this couldn’t be a possibility. The film made Marvel Studios a pretty penny, so we don’t see why they wouldn’t be up for it too.
What did you think of Doctor Strange, and do you think Derrickson is a good fit for the sequel? Let us know in the comments down below!
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SOURCE: CinemaBlend