Possible SPOILERS AHEAD for Mute and Moon!
Mute, the fourth film by (mostly) talented writer/director Duncan Jones hit Netflix today… and critics aren’t loving it. But, that is beside the point!
In Mute, there is a callback to the director’s first film, the highly under-viewed and underrated Moon, featuring an Oscar worthy performance by Sam Rockwell.
In the latest film, now confirmed to be set in the same universe as Moon, there is a courtroom scene on a TV with Rockwell’s character from Moon, Sam Bell, following the events of that film.
Jones explained to ComingSoon.net why he included the Easter Egg:
“The idea is Moon and Mute are on this shared timeline, but only in the most superficial way. There is a globally interesting story on what happens to Sam Bell when he gets back to Earth. It’s basically the news story of the moment that happens to be playing out in the background of what’s going on in Mute. There’s a court case going on where the vast cargo Sam Bells from Moon are basically free and back on Earth. They’re in a court case where it’s being decided if they are to be treated as individuals or corporate property. That’s what the Sam Rockwell cameo is all about.”
So, movie universe? Will there be a third film that ties into this world established in Moon and Mute?
“The best way to think about it is Moon, Mute and this third film are part of an anthology of three stories that happen to take place in the same timeline. They’re not directly connected but they are aware of each other, if that makes sense.”
Sounds a bit like the Cloverfield movies, or even Kevin Smith’s pre-MCU cinematic universe, the ViewAskewiverse. I love little touches like this, so bring it, Jones!
If you are a fan of Moon, did you catch and enjoy this connection between the two films? And if you haven’t seen Moon, do yourself a favor and give it a watch!
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SOURCE: ComingSoon.net