Jessica Jones Season 3 is set to not only be the final season of Jessica Jones, but also the final Marvel show that will appear on Netflix. All the Marvel properties on Netflix have been canceled with Jessica Jones being canceled long before the third season debuts on June 14th. Whilst it still seems possible these shows or characters could be given a new lease of life somewhere on Disney + or Hulu, an exclusivity deal means that the earliest we would likely see any of The Defenders on another streaming service is late 2021.
As Jessica Jones nears its end, Eka Darville who plays Malcolm Ducasse teases that his character might be taking a turn towards the dark again in this final season. Darville recently spoke with and after finishing Season 2 with a new job for Jerry Hogarth, and things looking up for the former addict, it might not all go so well for Malcolm in Season 3.
“Where we find it in season three he’s a full-time investigator with Jeri Hogarth and her new firm and goes after some very morally and ethically questionable things. He was kind of getting walked all over at so many different points and for him it’s really kind of drawing a line in the sand around self-respect and what he’s willing to do in order to get respect, whether it’s from Jessica or Jeri or from his new girlfriend or from the world at large. It’s very fun to play, it’s very different again from anywhere that we’ve been with Malcolm and yeah, I’m grateful for the whole experience.”
I must say that Jessica Jones as a show hasn’t really engaged me and I won’t be rushing to binge watch the final season. For me, the first season was decent enough, but it was completely held together by David Tennant’s superb portrayal of Kilgrave, that was the core relationship in the show, the chemistry. In Season 2 with the absence of Kilgrave, I just felt like there was no story to tell and that Jessica’s character didn’t grow enough over the course of the season. The turn of her friend Trish (Patsy) felt really forced and awkward to me and unfortunately left me not really caring what happens to Trish, Jessica or Malcolm in Season 3.
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I’ll watch it, if only for research purposes, but I have to say the idea of Malcolm doing morally questionable things as part of his new job working for Hogarth simply fills me with apathy instead of enthusiasm. Just goes to show you, you shouldn’t always kill off your villains, as Kilgrave was one of the best so far in the entirety of the MCU.
Are you in any way excited for Jessica Jones Season 3, or what Malcolm Ducasse gets up to this year? Leave your thoughts down below in the usual spot.
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