Ewan McGregor Excited To Be Playing An Obi Wan Kenobi Closer In Age To Alec Guinness In Disney+ Star Wars Show

We might not know a great deal about exactly what will happen in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi centric Disney+ Star Wars show, but we do know roughly when the series will be set within the timeline. Given the events that are canon, we must assume this show will take place whilst Obi-Wan was watching Luke Skywalker from a distance on Tattooine.

That does give us around 19-20 years to play with, but given the age of actor Ewan McGregor, it does seem likely to be somewhere in the middle of that period. I would hazard a guess that Luke will be around 9/10 years old in the show, though he may actually never be glimpsed on camera. That would fit perfectly with McGregor playing an Obi Wan in his 50’s and still allowing for some ageing to have taken place before A New Hope begins.

Recently McGregor spoke about how excited he is to be playing an older Obi Wan when he spoke with ComicBook.com. Check out what McGregor said.

“What’s exciting for me to play him now is that I’m that much closer… The most exciting thing before was trying to play a younger Alec Guinness. To study Alec Guinness’ work and his performance in Star Wars and then try and feel like I was the younger version of him. That and the sword fights were pretty good fun to learn, as well. This time, I’m just going to be that much closer to him in age and it will be interesting to do that. The story takes place, you know when the story takes place. So, it’s quite interesting.”

Well, we know roughly when the story takes place as said above, and we also know from McGregor’s previous comments that one aspect of the show will be Obi Wan’s despair at the remaining Jedi in the Galaxy being hunted down by the Empire and by Vader. We also know that whether Vader is present in the show or not, he and Obi Wan will not have an earlier meeting. We know this from Vader’s lines in A New Hope, which indicate his defeat to Obi Wan was the last time these former friends had met prior to their fight on the Death Star, though Vader could absolutely still be in this show directing events from a distance.

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I think like most fans I am simply eager to see what McGregor can do with some decent dialogue and direction, things that were sadly lacking from the prequel trilogy, despite most fans thinking that McGregor did the best he could with what he was given to work with. I do also wonder whether this show will see Obi Wan leave Tattooine temporarily to deal with a potential future threat to Luke, or whether the entire series will be based on Tatooine itself, I hope for the former personally.

What do you want to see from the Obi Wan Kenobi Disney+ show, and what do you think of McGregor’s comments? Say “Hello there!” to the other fans in the usual spot below and don’t try selling anyone any death sticks.

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SOURCE: ComicBook.com

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