Back in 2011, director Gavin O’Connor wrote and directed a drama set in the world of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton and Nick Nolte. While it was well received by anyone who saw the movie, including critics, it got a strange early September release that limited how many people actually saw it in theaters. (It grossed $13.6 million in North America, which isn’t great for a movie even with a reasonable $25 million budget.)
In the five years since then, Warrior has found quite a few more fans who missed it in theaters, making it one of those hidden gems of a movie that had a decent second life on DVD, Blu-ray and cable. All-in-all, Warrior ended up making around $42 million, which isn’t exactly a windfall of profit but decent enough that if O’Connor and the actors wanted to make another movie, they could theoretically get one financed.
Last week, LRM spoke with director Gavin O’Connor, whose new movie The Accountant is released Friday. As we were wrapping up, we mentioned how much we loved Warrior and he snuck in an optimistic thought that he might try to make a sequel. This is what he told us:
“Well, you know what? Maybe there’ll be another one. I’ve been talking to Tommy (Hardy) and Joel (Edgerton).”
That certainly sounds optimistic if O’Connor is still in touch with his lead actors, especially since both Hardy and Edgerton are much bigger names than they were in 2011 and if they came on board, there’s a good chance a sequel would be financed.
In the meantime, O’Connor will be working on a new Netflix series called Seven Seconds with The Killing showrunner Venna Sud.
You can read more about that and read the full interview with Gavin O’Connor tomorrow, with The Accountant coming out Friday, October 14.