El Rey Network has announced the TV debut of Explosion Jones starring Michael Madsen as Explosion Jones. The 12-part animated short series following the adventures of Bruce “Explosion” Jones, an ex-special forces commando turned rogue detective, first debuted on Go90 in September 2017. Explosion Jones will now make it’s TV debut with all 12-parts airing back to back on El Rey Network on Saturday, March 10th starting at 4:00pm/et.
If you have yet to see the trailer for the ridiculous action-comedy homage to the 1980s, be sure to check it out down below!
The official synopsis for Explosion Jones is below:
“Set in the 1980s, Jones is constantly being framed by the mob or crossing Jamaican drug lords. But, when the Russians steal a nuclear weapon or the President’s boat has been hijacked with his daughter on board, “Explosion” is your man. This season, follow Jones as he fights his way through endless armies of mercenaries and smarmy mini-bosses. Along the way, he just might dig too deep to reveal a plot that goes all the way to the top! Explosion Jones stars Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs), Jaylen Barron (Good Luck Charlie), Carl Weathers (Rocky), James Hong (Blade Runner), Danny Trejo (Machete), and Vivica A. Fox (Kill Bill).”
Will you be tuning in to El Rey Network to check out Explosion Jones? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: El Rey Network