Factory Entertainment has sold many prop replicas for over a decade. Now, the company revealed its exclusive offerings for convention attendees.
The company announced that it will have fifteen convention exclusives from many fan-favorite brands.
Many of their 2023 convention exclusives are already available to order on their website at https://factoryent.com. Direct customers can order the Convention Exclusives, regardless of their attendance at the convention.
Also, the company announced that convention exclusives will deliver as the order is received rather than waiting until after San Diego Comic-Con. One special note, convention exclusive orders are only eligible for shipping and cannot be picked up at the booth during the convention.
For exhibit floor purchases, the booth should have these items in stock at its booth.
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Here are the exclusive items listed at San Diego Comic-Con:
The Goonies | Copper Bones Skeleton Key Polished Edition Prop Replica
Batman 1989 | Batarang Gun Metal Finish Bottle Opener 2023
The Flash | CHS Keychain and Pin Set
Peacemaker | Baby Eagly Plush
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan | CHS Keychain and Pin Set
Star Trek | Klingon Fandages
Star Trek | Starfleet Academy Bottle Opener
Back to the Future | CHS Keychain and Pin Set
Wizard of Oz | Toto Chrome Art Statue
Wizard of Oz | Ruby Slippers Chrome Art Statue
They Live | Candidate Chrome Art Statue
Aquaman | Black Manta Knife Prop Replica Polished Edition
Justice League | Metal Miniature
Justice League | The Flash Metal Miniature
Justice League | The Green Lantern Metal Miniature
Justice League | Aquaman Metal Miniature
Factory Entertainment booth is at #2743 on the exhibit floor during the convention.
For news and interviews, contact Gig Patta at [email protected]. Follow https://twitter.com/GigPatta, https://www.facebook.com/OfficialGigPatta, or https://www.instagram.com/gigpatta for all his postings and musings in entertainment.
Source: Factory Entertainment