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Filoni’s Star Wars Film To Be Titled Heir To The Empire [UPDATE: Disputed]

Barside Buzz around Dave Filoni's Star Wars movie is that it will be title Heir to the Empire. [UPDATE: Disputed by another insider]

Well this is interesting if true. The latest Barside Buzz around Dave Filoni’s Star Wars movie is that it will be title Heir to the Empire. [UPDATE: Disputed by another insider, scroll down for update.] Now, old timey fans like me will remember that title and it actually makes a lot of sense. In the now Legends non-canon sequels Heir to the Empire was the first in Timothy Zahn’s famous trilogy of books. The main villain of Heir to the Empire was Grand Admiral Thrawn, and well, you know he’s likely the main villain of Filoni’s movie as well.

I think we all knew Heir to the Empire would be a major influence on this movie. However, we also know this must be very far from an adaptation because that old canon story will simply not work in the MandoVerse. However according to regular leaker MTTSH, the tile of the movie will be Heir to the Empire. Check it out.

UPDATE – Disputed

[UPDATE] : Jeff Sneider disputes this claim by MTTSH on his latest The Hot Mic Podcast. Not any quotes to share, Sneider was asked by co-host John Rocha whether this original story was true, Sneider said his source says no, Heir to the Empire will not be the title. No further information was given.

Ultimately we have two insiders here with good hit rates. However, with Star Wars specifically, I have to place Sneider slightly higher on my list right now. Does that conform anything one way or another? Nope, sorry, all I can do is share the rumors.

Original story below.

I actually like the idea of doing this and it kinda matches an approach that Marvel has taken to their MCU. Infinity War, Civil War, The Winter Soldier, and more have been loosely based on the source material and kept the names. I feel like Heir to the Empire would be similar. I know it’s not going to be the same, but there could be big influences taken, and that’s cool.

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That all being said, this is just a rumor. I would say I trust MTTSH record more on Marvel than any other studios. It’s also an easy claim to make, then say, ‘yeah, it got changed after internal feedback’. I’m not saying that’s the case here at all. I hope it does get that title, because it will sell tickets. Just have some caution for now until something more official hits.

I’m really looking forward to seeing Star Wars: Heir to the Empire even if that’s not what it gets called. As for the Filoni/Favreau thing, I think we kinda knew that. Favreau takes the lead on Mando, Boba Fett and probably Skeleton Crew, but Foloni is leading Ahsoka and he knew he was writing and directing this film.

What do you think of the Buzz that Dave Filoni’s Star Wars film will be titled Heir to the Empire? Thoughts below as always.

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