Today we are sharing what is a first look at Guardians 3 villain from recent set photos. Warning, we will be discussing the identity of this villain which is pretty much all but confirmed now. If this warning below, plus the tag in the title aren’t enough for you? Well, just don’t complain to me about SPOILERS friends.
Guardians 3 SPOILERS Below!
So far most fans and media outlets have been pretty certain the villain of Guardains 3 is the High Evolutionary, and he is played by Chukwudi Iwuji (Peacemaker). We’ve already seen images from the set showing half human, half animal hybrids, which also point to High Evolutionary (see below). However now we have an image of the character himself. Check out this post I came across on social media last night.
Oh, why HELLO there High Evolutionary.
— It Was All a Dream, I Used to Read Wizard Magazine (@UpToTASK) May 3, 2022
Yep, that looks very much like a cross between the comic book High Evolutionary and Iwuji to me. See comparisons below.
High Evolutionary x Chukwudi Iwuji
— Max💫Marvel (@MaximilanMarvel) May 3, 2022
RELATED: The Antagonist Of Guardians 3 – Set Photos May Confirm [SPOILERS]
What is intriguing is that I have a feeling the High Evolutionary’s planet seems very Earth-like. Or for some reason the villain is on Earth. Check the related section above and you’ll see it doesn’t feel very alien, just a normal Earth-based street scene.
The writing on that poster though, looks very alien to me. Ergo, my Earth-like planet theory, which could be complete rubbish by the way. Maybe there will be some effect added in post which makes this environment seem more other worldly? Perhaps not?
It’s not like seeing a real shot of Iwuji in costume, but what do you think so far of what you see from the High Evolutionary in the MCU? Leave any thoughts below about our first look at Guardians 3 villain. Either on Disqus below, or jump over to Discord to chat with other movies and TV geeks.