The first Lord of the Rings show story details have leaked along with some news around the Isildur casting. Up until now we had no real idea what this Lord of the Rings show would be about. We knew it was set in Tolkien’s Second Age, but that lasts for well over 3000 years. So, what period will the show be set? Whilst we do not have a definitive answer on that, we do have some information which helps us to work things out. Fellowship of Fans who has had a great hit rate so far with LOTR show leaks, has published some new details. On their latest YouTube video below, along with other insiders FoF reveals some key information. Apparently Isildur, you know, the one who refused to destroy the Ring of Power, will be a major character from Episode 3 onwards.
I’m not spoiler tagging any of this, because we kinda already know all the major events this show could cover. You could spoil yourself easily by just reading The Silmarillion for example. What we don’t have is the little details that Tolkien never got to in his lifetime. The inclusion of Isildur from Episode 3 means only one thing. The show will cover the end of the Second Age. Isildur was present at the Last Alliance of Men and Elves, when it was he who took the Ring from Sauron’s finger. That moment essentially marks the end of the Second Age and the beginning of the Third. Yet, it remains thousands of years after before we get to the timeline of The Hobbit.
RELATED: New Casting Details And Hobbit Information On Amazon’s Lord of the Rings Show| Barside Buzz
However, this goes completely against the only official image that has been released for the show yet. That image (above) clearly shows Valinor during the early part of the First Age. We are talking around 4000 years between these two elements of the mythology folks. Now the debate is, will those first two episodes be a mythology recap of the events of the First Age and the Second Age to the later stages? Or, will this show somehow cover two different timelines? One at the beginning of the Second Age showing how the Elves were fooled by Sauron into making the Rings of Power. Then, another timeline showing the later stages of that Age as Sauron manipulates the Numenoreans and corrupts them from within?
Truth is, we don’t know, and neither do any of the insiders getting information. However, what I will say, is that the inclusion of Hobbits seems to make far more sense if the later stages of the Second Age are being explored. After all, it was not that long into the Third Age when Isildur lost the Ring in the river. By this time Hobbit’s, or whatever they were then called, were migrating and then end up (some time later) arriving around the place where Smeagol and Deagol find the Ring.
Isildur Casting
Since all this news broke, Redanian Intelligence, who I also rate as one of the best for any leaked Fantasy news, have provided some more details. The outlet says they have learned that actor Maxim Baldry, pictured in the header, is playing Isildur. The comparison image next to Baldry, is Isildur as he appeared in Jackson’s movies. Though , given Isildur lived a long life, he is supposed to be far, far older in the Jackson movies.
I’m not sure I’m ready to give my opinion on Baldry as Isildur because frankly we know little of the character. Sure, we know the major events Isildur took part in, and we know his ultimately succumbed to the temptation of the Ring. However, we know very little else, especially about his earlier life on Numenor. Other than Isildur being on the side of good, against Sauron’s influence along with his Father and family that is.
Ultimately, I’m pumped that the period I always wanted to see covered most is happening. The most interesting event of the Second Age is for me Sauron’s corruption and the ultimate destruction of Numenor. If Isildur is in the show, then that’s something we are bound to see eventually. Though, I’ll guess not in the first Season. I never imagined I’d get to see an adaptation of the Fall of Numenor, it’s ambitious and I love it.
What do you think of these first Lord of the Rings show story details? What do you think of the rumored Isildur casting and where the show may go? As always, leave any thoughts below.