Oh, sweet revenge.
John Travolta is on this big screen revenge action film I AM WRATH, which also stars Christopher Meloni, Sam Trammell, Amanda Schull, Asante Jones and Rebecca De Mornay.
The film follows Stanley Hill, an unemployed family man who is struggling in today’s economy, and found may found a job in California. His wife Vivian plans a romantic celebration as she picks him up at the airport. However, a small group of drug addicts attacks the couple and kills her. Now he lost everything and the will to live.
He leads a war for vengeance after the system fails to prosecute one of the suspects. He turns to an act of revenge as his reason for living and teams up with ex-special ops friend to take down a ruthless drug dealer and possibly uncover a bigger conspiracy.
Saban Entertainment and Lionsgate plans to release the movie on VOD on April 15th and then in theaters the following month on May 13th.
Check out the trailer below.
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Source: ComingSoon.net